I’m getting ready to hit the road with my sister next week. We’re off to nose around all the pretty, sparkly, shiny things at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. It’s a work trip for my sister, who is a very talented jewelry designer. I’m along for the ride because I’m both a shiny, sparkly thing enthusiast and I’ll take any excuse to hang out with my fun, cool, talented sister.

If history is any indication this trip will involve us:

  1. Getting very very very lost somewhere.
  2. Having at least one night of too many cocktails and zero morning after regrets.
  3. Result in a story so ridiculous you’ll think I’m making it up and I’ll be dead serious.

Wherever we go together it’s always a good time!


Oh, you’re interested in an actual writing update? It’s all good news on the book writing front at the moment. I just finished another chapter on Project Candlelight. Yay! All these chapters are starting to add up.

*eyes the coming trip and move with a quiver of unease…*

We like forward momentum! Yes, we do!

The walls of the new apartment have been freshly painted. A built-in bookshelf is going into the office next week. All the furniture will be moved in shortly after.

I’m so very muchly excited about the new home. Can’t wait to share how it ends up looking with you!!!