Writing Round Up – Feb 5, 2021

Writing Round Up – Feb 5, 2021

The first week of February has been a surprisingly good week of project progress. My writing partner and I upped our daily word goals for this month from 1,700 words per writing day to 1,800 words. And 100 words may not sound like a big difference – but it is!...
Writing Round Up – Jan 30, 2021

Writing Round Up – Jan 30, 2021

Another weekend, another week done. So I figured I should do a writing round up. I’ve been working on The Wild Prince this week. It’s the second book in my Princes of Manhattan series. Dominic, the fifth brother of the Prince family, is finding love with...
I got a new laptop!!!!!

I got a new laptop!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! New Laptop Day! Is there anything more exciting? (The answer is no, definitely not. Move over engagements, weddings, births of child, and new book release days – new laptop day is here!) I’m not a huge tech person. Don’t need every...
Where have all the happy low-impact TV shows gone?

Where have all the happy low-impact TV shows gone?

I work long days. Not complaining. I love my job. I get to spin the fairy dust of imagination into tales of epic adventure and high romance all day long. Best day job ever. But… spinning all that fairy dust is hard work. And at the end of the day, sometimes all...
Building a website is not all fun and games…

Building a website is not all fun and games…

When I decided to write books for a living, I really had no idea all the non-writing related activities that would entail. Learn about marketing? Sure. Send out a bi-monthly newsletter? Why not. Build a relationships with my readers? Yay! But to make all of that...